Celf I Bawb / Art For All


Mae CARN yn ymwneud â amrywiaeth o prosiectau cymunedol, o gomisiwn safle penodol, ymgysylltiad â rhanddeiliaid, sesiynau celf cymunedol a preswyliadau. Darganfyddwch yr hyn rydym wedi bod yn ei wneud isod. Os oes gennych unrhyw syniadau ar gyfer prosiectau yn y dyfodol, cysylltwch â ni a rhowch wybod i ni. Fe fyddem ni wrth ein bodd yn clywed ganddoch chi.

CARN is involved in a variety of projects from site specific commission, stockholder engagement, community art sessions and residences. Find out what we’ve been doing below. If you have any ideas for future projects, please get in touch and let us know. We’d love to here form you.


Clwb Darlunio

Clwb pob yn ail wythnos i ddysgu sgiliau a technegau ar wahanol mathau o ddarlunio gyda gwahanol artistiaid. Ail ddechrau yn Hydref.

A fortnightly drawing club to learn techniques and skills of different drawing forms with various artists. Restarting in October.


Proses: Noson Rhwydwaith
Process: Networking Event

Digwyddiad Aelodau CARN

Deialog artistig, trafodaeth beirniadol a bwyd tymhorol. Cyfle i rwydweithio â aelodau eraill CARN yn ogystal a posibyliadau o ddatblygu eich gwaith creadigol mewn awyrgylch anffurfiol a chyfeillgar. Mae cyfle i dri o aelodau CARN rhannu eu gwaith.

CARN Members' Event

Artistic reflection, critical discussion and seasonally inspired food. An opportunity to network with other CARN members and the possibility to develop your practice in an informal and friendly atmosphere. With an opportunity for three CARN members to share their work at this event.



Artistiaid Bach Carn

Pob Dydd Sadwrn cyntaf y mis
10:30am - 12:30pm
£3 y sesiwn
4 i 10 oed
Dysgwch Sgiliau Celf Newydd!

Every first Saturday of the month
10:30am - 12:30pm
£3 per session

4 to 10 years old

Learn New Art Skills!


“Dwi’n mwynhau ABC chos ti’n cael trio lot o bethau gwahanol, sy’n hwyl!”

Esyllt Mai, 10 oed

I Enjoy ABC because you get to try lots of different things which is lots of fun!

Esyllt Mai, 10 years old


Cwrs Ffoto 2020

Cwrs ffotograffiaeth ar-lein 6-wythnos i bobl ifanc rhwng 11 ac 16 oed â diddordeb mewn ffotograffiaeth, dan arweiniad yr artist a ffotograffydd Kata Szekeres. Yn dysgu'r sgiliau sylfaenol a rhai awgrymiadau ar gyfer gwneud y gorau o'u camera / ffonau. Cafodd rhai o’r lluniau eu arddnagos fel rhan o arddangosfa FFOTO Medi 2020. Noddwyd gan Cyngor Gwynedd.

A 6-week online photography course for young people aged 11 to 16 with an interest in photography, led by artist and photographer Kata Szekeres. Learning the basic skills and some tips for making the most of their camera/phones. Some of the pictures were displayed as part of the September 2020 FFOTO exhibition. Sponsored by Gwynedd Council.


Coed Dolig 2019

Prosiect ar y cyd â Galeri i adfywio ac uwch-gylchu eu coed Nadolig pren. Cynhalwyd gweithdai i greu dyluniadau i’r coed gyda grwpiau lleol megis, Antur Waunfawr, Gidsa ac Ysgolion; Y Gelli, Hendre, Maesincla a Pendalar, gyda artistiaid Menai Rowlands, Anna Pritchard, Rebecca F Hardy a Menna Thomas. Yn ogystal â chomisiynu artistiaid Lowri Mai Roberts(Twinkle & Gloom) a Llyr Alun Jones i greu dyluniadau arbennig. Cafodd y coed eu harddangos o fewn yr adeilad dros tro sglefrio rhew, Y Maes yng Nghaernarfon.

A joint project with Galeri to regenerate and up-cycle their wooden Christmas trees. Workshops to create designs for the trees were held with local groups such as Antur Waunfawr, Gidsa and schools: Y Gelli, Yr Hendre , Maesincla and Pendalar with artists Menai Rowlands, Anna Pritchard, Rebecca F Hardy and Menna Thomas. As well as commissioning artists Lowri Mai Roberts (Twinkle & Gloom) and Llyr Alun Jones to create specials designs. The trees were displayed within the ice-skating building, Castle Square in Caernarfon.



Murlun Parc 2019

Nod prosiect Murlun Parc oedd i greu murlun ar gyfer wal adeilad wrth ymyl ardal chwarae yng Nghaernarfon. Roedd y perchnogion eisiau cael murlun yno, sy'n cynrychioli lleisiau cenhedlaeth ifanc Caernarfon a'r ardaloedd cyfagos. Gan weithio gyda grwpiau ieuenctid o Gaernarfon, Penygroes a Llanrug, mae’r murlun yn cynrychioli eu llais, eu rhagfynegiadau a'u gobeithion ar gyfer dyfodol Caernarfon. Yr artistiaid a gomisiynwyd oedd Abbie Parry, Ffion Pritchard a Tegid Roberts. Mewn partneriaeth â Grwp Cynefin, Cyngor Gwynedd, Gwasanaethau Ieuenctid Gwynedd, PACT a HWB Caernarfon.

The aim of the Murlun Parc(Park Mural) project was to create a mural for the wall of building next to play area in Caernarfon. The owners wanted to have a mural there, which represents the voices of the young generation of Caernarfon and its surrounding areas. Working with youth groups from Caernarfon, Penygroes and Llanrug, the mural which represents their voice, predictions and hopes for the future of Caernarfon town. Commissioned artists Abbie Parry, Ffion Pritchard and Tegid Roberts. In partnership with Grwp Cynefin, Gwynedd Council, Gwynedd Youth Services, PACT and HWB Caernarfon.


“Rhai yn paentio patrymau cymleth ag eraill yn paentio gyda dwylo. Roedd pawb wrth eu boddau yn  gweld eu gwaith wedi arddangos yn Nghaernarfon”

Some painted complex patterns and others painted with their hands. Everyone were delighted to see their work on display in Caernarfon.

Sian Williams

Is Reolwraig Iechyd a Llesiant l Deputy Manager Health and Wellbeing, Antur Waunfawr


TIWN 2019

Roedd TIWN yn brosiect mewn partneriaeth â'r elusen Gisda ac archwiliodd i sut y gellir cyfuno creu cerddoriaeth amgen, myfyrio creadigol a dogfennaeth ddigidol i greu profiad trochi a therapiwtig i bobl ifanc sy'n dioddef o arwahanrwydd cymdeithasol neu bryder. Martin Daws y bardd a storiwr a'r gwneuthurwr ffilmiau Alan Whitfield oedd yn arwain ar y prosiect 8 wythnos gyda'r bobl ifanc. Diolch i Cymunedau Cerdd Cymru, Cwmni Da a Galeri am eu cefnogaeth i'r prosiect hwn.

TIWN was a project in partnership with the charity Gisda and explored how alternative music creation, creative reflection and digitals documentation can be combined to create an immersive and therapeutic experience for young people suffering from social isolation or anxiety. Poet and storyteller Martin Daws and filmmaker Alan Whitfield led the 8 week project with the young people. Thanks to Community Music Wales, Cwmni Da and Galeri for their support on this project.



The Big Draw Festival 2018

Yn 2018, fe wnaethon ni gymryd rhan yn nathliad darlunio mwyaf y byd, The Big Draw Festival. Cawsom benwythnos o ddigwyddiadau yn dathliad o’r sgil o ddarlunio gyda'r artistiaid Menai Rowlands a Ffion Pritchard. Mae'r wyl yn hyrwyddo iaith gyffredinol darlunio fel offeryn ar gyfer dysgu, mynegiant a dyfeisio, gan gynnal digwyddiadau ledled y byd ar gyfer pob oedran a gallu.

In 2018, we took part in the world’s biggest celebration of drawing, The Big Draw Festival. We had a weekend of events dedicating to the skill of drawing with artists Menai Rowlands and Ffion Pritchard. The festival promotes the universal language of drawing as a tool for learning, expression and invention, hosting events across the globe for all ages and abilities.

The Big Draw


Gwyl Ddewi 2017-2020

Yn flynyddol ers 2017, mae Cyngor Tref Caernarfon wedi gofyn i CARN weithio gyda ysgolion Caernarfon i greu baneri neu rhywbeth i’w wisgo ar gyfer orymdaith blynyddol Gwyl Ddewi y tref. Ysgolion sydd wedi cymeryd rhan yw Ysgolion: Y Gelli, Yr Hendre, Maesincla, Pendalar, Santes Helen a Syr Hugh Owen.

Annually since 2017, Caernarfon Town Council have asked CARN to work with Caernarfon schools to create banners or something to wear for the town's annual St David's Day parade. Schools that have participated are: Y Gelli, Yr Hendre, Maesincla, Pendalar, St Helen's and Syr Hugh Owen.

Cyngor Tref Caernarfon


“Neshi mwynhau fo, oedd o dysgu sgil newydd a helpu codi hyder fi”

I really enjoyed it, it taught me new skills and helped build my confidence

Nicola Pengelly

person ifanc | young person Gisda