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Clwb Darlunio | Drawing Club: Mike Murray

Sesiwn gyda Mike Murray

Gall y llaw ddynol gynnwys rhai ffurfiau cymhleth. Mae'n cynnwys 27 asgwrn, 27 cymal, 34 o gyhyrau a dros 100 o gewynnau a thendonau. Yn ogystal, gyda'r nifer fawr o bibellau gwaed a nerfau mae’r cyfle am ddelweddau yn agored iawn.

Sesiwn wedi’i recordio o flaen llaw.

Ar gyfer y sesiwn fyddwch chi angen : pensiliau da megis 2B, miniwr, rwbiwr a papur darlunio da.

Sesiwn Darlunio Mike Murray


Session with Mike Murray

The human hand can consist of some complex forms. It consists of 27 bones, 27 joints, 34 muscles and over 100 ligaments and tendons.  Additionally, with the many blood vessels and nerves the scope of images it holds for the artist is wide open. 

 A pre-recorded session.

You’ll need for this session: decent pencils around 2B, sharpener, rubber and decent sketch book paper.

Mike Murray Drawing Session

February 25

Sgwrs | Talk: Anthony Shapland

March 6

ABC Rhithiol | Virtual ABC